Litteraturlista, internationell litteratur

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Becker, Annette m fl, Bauen und Wohnen in Gemeinschaft/Building and Living in Communities – Ideen, Prozesse, Architectur/Ideas, Processes, Architechture, Birkhauser, Basel, 2015.

Bruneau, Anne , Commun village : 40 ans d’aventures en habitat participative, (2016)

Brusselmans, L., Depraetere, A., De Decker, P., Hubeau, B., Ryckewaert, M., Van Damme, W., Van den Broeck, K., Van den Houte, K., Vermeir, D. & Verstraete, J. (2019). New residential initiatives: the second wave. Analysis of the written survey on social housing innovations with a focus on co-living and community living. Leuven: Steunpunt Wonen.

Besser, Jutta, Zuzammen ist man nicht allein. Alternative wohnprojekte führ Jung und Alt, Patmos Verlag, Mannheim, 2010.

Broutin, Michel m fl, 40 années d’habitats groupé (2014).

Chris Coates,Utopia Britannica. British Utopian Experiments: 1325 - 2000”, Diggers & Dreamers Publications, London, 2001.

Chris Coates,Communes Britannica. History of Communal Living in Britain 1939-2000”, Diggers & Dreamers Publications, London, 2013.

Dansk Bygningsarv (2016) Fremtidens bofællesskaber: Funktionstømte bygninger – i storbyen, provinsbyen og på landet. Copenhagen: Udlændinge-, Integrations- og Boligministeriet

Dethier, P., & Halleux, J.-M. (2019). Habitat groupé et autopromotion collective : quel accompagnement pour favoriser l’auto-organisation ? Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 72.

Durrett, Charles m fl, The Senior Cohousing Handbook. A Community Approach to Independent Living, New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, Canada, 2009.

Euvrard, Anne-Laure (red), Le Livre Blanc de l’Habitat Participatif, (2011).

Gaëlle De Smet en Wim Rasschaert, Draaiboek Community Land Trust, CLT Gent (2019).

Guide de l’autopromotion, Association Eco-Quartier (2015)

id22 : Institute for Creative Sustainability: Experimentcity, Cohousing Cultures, Handbook for self-organized, communityoriented and sustainable housing, jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2012.

id22 : Institute for Creative Sustainability, Lafond, Michael and Tsvetkova, Larisa (ed), CoHousing Inclusive. Self-organized, Community-Led Housing for All, jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2017.

Korpela, Salla, Yhteinen Talo, Ryhmärakennuttaminen ja yhteisöasumisen pohjoismainen malli (Det gemensamma huset, byggemenskap och nordisk modell för samhällsliv). Into, Helsinki, 2014.

Krämer, Stefan och Kuhn, Gerd, Städte und Baugemeinschaften. Wüstenrot Stiftung och Karl Krämer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2016.

Lietart, Mathieu, Le cohabitat. Reconstrusions des villages en ville! (2012)

McCamant, Kathryn; Durrett, Charles, Creating Cohousing. Building Sustainable Communities., New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, Canada, 2011.

Nordregio, Breaking the downward spiral: Improving rural housing markets in the Nordic Region. Policy brief 2020:4.

Nothegger, Barbara, Sieben Stock Dorf, Wohnexperimente für eine bessere Zukunft, Salzburg-Wien, 2017.

Parvin, Alastair, Saxby, David, Cerulli, Christina & Schneider, Tatjana, A Right to Build – the next mass-housebuilding industry, 2011.

Pedersen, Max, Det store eksperiment. Hverdagsliv i seniorbofællesskaberne, Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, København, 2013.

Realdania By&Byg, Byggefællesskaber. Beboerdrevet boligbyggeri i byudvikling, Köbenhavn, 2019.

Realdania m fl, Vaerdiprogram Fremtidens urbane seniorkollegie, 2019.

Realdania, Længe leve landsbyerne - en metode til strategisk planlægning for levedygtige landsbyer, maj 2020.

Réseau national des collectivités pour l’habitat participative, Collectivités et habitat participatif. Une nouvelle manière d‘engager la transition sur nos territoires, 28 opérations pionnières en habitat participatif en France (2018).

Samenhuizen, Inventaris woongemeenschappen in Vlaanderen en Brussel, (2018).

Samenhuizen in beeld – binnenkijken bij woongemeenschappen in België, Samenhuizen Vzw (2019).

Sangregorio, Inga-Lisa, Collaborative housing in Sweden, Byggforskningsrådet, Stockholm, 2000.

Stiftung Trias, Rechtsformen für Wohnprojekte. Stiftung Trias, Hattingen, 2016.

Vancayzeele, Nicolas, Cohousing en duurzame steden: Op zoek naar de sociale meerwaarde van cohousing voor buurt en samenleving/ Cohousing in sustainable cities In search of the social added value of cohousing in neighborhoods, mastersupppsats Brüssel (2017)

Vestbro, Dick Urban (red), Living together – Cohousing Ideas and Realities Around the World, Living together - cohousing ideas and realities around the world: proceedings from the International Collaborative Housing Conference in Stockholm 5-9 May 2010, Division of Urban and Regional Studies, Royal Institute of Technology in Collaboration with Kollektivhus NU, Stockholm, 2010.

Vitra Design Museum, Together! The New Architecture of the Collective. Ruby Press, 2017.

Wohnbund, Europe. Co-operative housing (2015).

Wohnbund e. V. (red.), Europa; Gemeinsam wohnen/Europe: Co-operative Housing, JOVIS Verlag Gmbh, Berlin, 2015.

Urgent.Agency, LB Analyse, DeleBy – bofællesskaber som drivkraft for regional udvikling, Udlændinge-, Integrations- og Boligministeriet, 2016.
